
臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan



編/著者 : 臺灣大學文學院語文中心中國語文組CLD(主編/林雪芳;編寫教師/林梅、曾蓉俞、趙玉雯、廖育勤)
出版社 : 新學林
出版日期 : 2023-05-15
ISBN : 9789865263492
版別 : 1版
裝幀 : 平裝 21*28公分 464頁 彩色
參考分類(CAT) : 華語學習教材




本書內容涵蓋四大主題,每個大主題領域由三個層面的次主題組成,每個次主題 再由兩個文本內容展開多元情境設計。全書共四大單元十二課,談及人文景觀、節慶風俗、海洋族群、大眾生活、性別平等、產業改造、科技農場、旅遊觀光、虛擬科技、醫療保險,社會福利、政治發展、教育萬象、國際志工、城市活化,青年追夢、新住民文化、經濟區塊鏈、價值觀質變等。這些情境,由一群臺灣大學國際學院的研究生展開,帶領本書學習者進入不同場域中探究,在跨場域中進行跨文化交流。

本書的編寫設計呈現多元體裁,包括對話、短文、雜誌撰文、現場演講,電子郵件email、部落格寫作blog、臉書貼文facebook、網路平台直播live stream、播客頻道podcast、影音視頻vlog,視訊會議conference call等,希望幫助學習者透過這些實用的語言呈現載體形式來演練華語交流。

本書的華語能力水平適合高級初階到高級高階,根據國家教育研究院臺灣華語文能力基準Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language TBCL 三等七級詞表編寫,以第五級與第六級為主,同時亦配合國家華語測驗工作委員會華語文能力測驗Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language TOCFL 華語八千詞標準,主要收列高階級(B2),兼收部分進階級(B1)與流利級(C1)。







  《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》一書是臺灣大學文學院語文中心中語組 CLD,林雪芳、林梅、曾蓉俞、趙玉雯、廖育勤等五位資深教師,共同集思廣益,視角釁◆て胸《∈欷酋掘た柴華語文為二語教學需求而編寫成功的一部高級初階教本。


  有著多年豐富華語教學以及培育和管理經驗,擔任過十餘團來自美國的華語學習密集項目教學主任,學子遍及臺美的林雪芳老師,是當代最具前瞻性的華語教學實務研究者之一。現在更是帶領著臺灣大學文學院語文中心中語組CLD,為中高階華語學生量身打造,精心編寫有臺灣特色的華語教材:《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》。
  當時我們使用的教材,老實說稍微有些過時,對華語圈的個人差異與文化多元等,也比較缺乏多面向的著墨。令人很欣慰的是,《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》不但充分呈現了臺灣的族群認同、地方風情習俗等等多元面貌,也將臺灣當代生活型態的轉變,譬如年輕世代的「不婚」趨勢,以及後疫情時代新的生活方式等等編入教材。
  身為學術交流基金會執行長,在臺灣推動傅爾布萊特計畫,有兩個原則是我銘記在心的,一是走進社區,透過實際的生活經驗,讓語言的學習更深入,更具有文化內涵。二是充分呈現臺美雙方的多元,不只讓臺灣人知道美國擁抱多元與差異的用心,也讓美國人看見臺灣華人社會令人驚豔的多樣性。《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》就是一本將這兩個原則實踐落實在教材中的語言教科書。
  內容精彩豐富的《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》,不僅來得正是時候,也充滿了創意與革新,對華語中高階學習者來說是難能可貴的語言教材。

My Chinese education journey
  Director of numerous American Chinese-learning intensive programs Annie Lin is one of the foremost Mandarin education scholars in the world, with years of teaching experience, teaching training, and program guiding in the United States and Taiwan. Now, Lin and her team at the Chinese Language Division in the Language Center of National Taiwan University (臺灣大學文學院語文中心中語組 CLD ) have created an invaluable resource for intermediate-high and advanced students of Chinese with a special focus on Taiwan: 《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》.
  My own Chinese education journey began with an intensive summer course at the University of Michigan over 40 years ago, with Professor Jing-heng Sheng Ma (馬靜恆教授), whose work on Chinese pronunciation and grammar for beginning students set the foundation for all that followed. I spent the 1986-1987 academic year in Taiwan, at the Inter-University Program at National Taiwan University. It was “Teacher Na” who gave me my own Chinese name, 那原道 – “那” for Nadeau (with the honor of sharing my teacher’s name) and “原道” for an essay by the Tang Dynasty Confucian scholar 韓愈, the “Original Way” (原道), which we studied together for two arduous and glorious months of intensive one-on-one instruction.
  These are precious memories, and it is an honor to have been taught by such dedicated teachers, whose expertise in linguistics, second-language acquisition, and cultural history have inspired not only myself, but generations of international students and scholars. At that time, most of our textbooks were frankly dated and generic, with little appreciation for individual, social, and cultural diversity in the sinosphere. 《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》addresses this oversight, with chapters on ethnicity, local customs, and identity in Taiwan (多元族群的福爾摩沙: A Multi-Ethnic IV Formosa); on Taiwanese demographic change (「不婚」好不好? Is it Okay “Not to Marry?”); and post-pandemic innovation (後疫情時代,我們的新生活 A New Life in the Post-Pandemic Era).
  As Executive Director of the Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (Fulbright Taiwan), I am dedicated to two fundamental principles: first, a deep cultural dive – knowing our host community through living and learning together – and second, diversity in all forms, not only among our US grantees with the aim of showing our hosts in Taiwan that Americans are, at our best, a society that should value and celebrate our individual and community identities, and of showing our American grantees the wonderful diversity of Chinese and Taiwanese society. This textbook shares and demonstrates these same values.
  Timely, informative, innovative –《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》has everything the intermediate or advanced Chinese learner could want from the best scholars of Mandarin education in Taiwan. 一起加油,努力學習,共同欣賞臺灣的社會發展,多元文化!

Randall Nadeau 那原道, Ph.D.
Executive Director 執行長
Foundation for Scholarly Exchange 學術交流基金會(Fulbright Taiwan)

  收到臺灣大學文學院語文中心中語組CLD即將出版的中高級教材《臺灣多視角Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》的書稿時,我非常高興。學習中文的學生們終於可以在課堂上學習、探討更多元的當代臺灣議題了。
  在這個全球化的時代,欣見《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》出版,豐富了中高級的中文教材資源,是件令人振奮的事!

美國維吉尼亞大學東亞語言文學文化系中文教授Professor, General
Faculty Department of East Asian Languages,
Literatures and Cultures The University of Virginia

  作為一位在北美任教的臺大校友,很榮幸能有機會推薦臺灣大學文學院語文中心中語組CLD老師們精心撰寫的高級初階華語教材《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》。
  高年級華語教師最常遇到的挑戰大致有四:教學主題重複、學生學習動機遇到瓶頸、語言的表現石化與學生語言水平呈現落差,以及批判性與擴展性思維受限。也就是說,在數年的華語學習過程中,大部分的主題學生在低中年級都已經有所接觸,但也都淺嘗則止,要如何才能再引起學生對於類似主題的學習興趣?並在教學時長的限制下,要如何能夠針對學生語言水平的差異,給予不同並適當的輔助,才能將他們的語言表現往上引導到高級初階的水平?與此同時,如何還能進一步地提升學生對於抽象概念的批判性思考力以及高級的跨文化能力?《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》這本高級初階的華語教材就解決、甚至避免了這些問題。一本好的教材往往可以是學生的地圖,讓作為學習之旅嚮導的老師能帶領著學生朝著學習目標邁進。
  《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》這本華語高級教材以跨場域的主題與知識為主軸,採用了反向設計(backward design)的模式,為了幫助華語學習者達到語言水平、跨文化思維與行動力、以及批判性思維三方面清楚的高級目標,在教材的設計中,處處可見編寫者的大處著眼與小處著手―從詞彙語法的練習、篇章的結構,到話題的擴展與高度的上升。本教材除了鞏固中年級的語言形式,更循序漸進地帶入更複雜細緻的詞彙、成俗語的運用,以及具有深度、廣度與豐富度的主題,並藉由多元角度的提問、貼近真實的任務活動與練習,以協助學生達到本書設定的高級低階的學習目標。
  在這個強調DEIJ(Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice)的時代,《臺灣多視角Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》不僅提供貼近學生生活與社會的多元題材與內容體裁,更在其中呈現出所謂的臺灣價值―多元、平等、包容與公平正義。此外,《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》的課程設計更是融入了ACTFL的5C教學目標―Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, Communities,其中每一課中跨文化比較與跨知識領域連結的設計,更是層層體現了文化冰山理論的實踐,並結合語言教學中的3P(Product, Practice and Perspectives)模式,從節慶、婚禮習俗、教育醫療、智慧科技、民主實踐到經濟轉型與永續發展,由淺入深地讓學生認識並討論文化產物、體會文化實踐的價值,以及分析與辯論多元的文化觀點。這環環相扣、質與量並重的教材設計同時建構起了學生跨文化的社群感,為學習者巧鋪起了高級華語學習的臺階。
  作為一個國際比較教育學的博士,我極為贊同《臺灣多視角 Multicultural Perspectives on Taiwan》對於年輕世代跨界思考力的重視。也就是從臺灣為起點,加強與學習者文化背景的連結,並擴展到國際社會的議題,藉此鼓勵華語學習者建立起點、線、面、體的思考。十分期待這本兼具本土化與國際化的高級初階華語教材給華語學習者帶來的新體驗!

加拿大卑詩大學(University of British Columbia)

  I am honored to write the foreword to this textbook. I am also humbled. The scope and sequence of the material contained in this book are both modern and comprehensive. My experience in the field of intensive language study and immersion programs confirms that this will be a valuable tool for teachers and students of Chinese the world over.
  I have worked in the field of international education for over a decade now. Based in Washington, D.C., I oversee nationally competitive scholarship programs, with the core of my focus centered on developing and administering immersive critical languages institutes. Unsurprisingly, Chinese is one of the most in demand critical languages, not just in the U.S. but around the world, and I have had the pleasure of focusing on Chinese language programs from the outset. Fortuitously, it also enabled me to meet Prof. Shueh-Fang Lin, the key author of this textbook.
  I first met Prof. Lin six years ago when she directed the academic program for the pilot Taiwan program as part of a prestigious U.S. scholarship I was overseeing. I was impressed with her contemporary views concerning the social and ideological aspects of language as it relates to public discourse.
  What began as a mere work relationship has flourished over the years despite the change and growth of our respective commitments. I consider Prof. Lin an authority in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, especially as it relates to Taiwanese culture and society.
  Thus, when Prof. Lin informed me that she was leading the development of this textbook at National Taiwan University (NTU), renowned for its Chinese language programs, I was excited and overjoyed that it would soon be available to both those teaching and studying Chinese.
  In a world as interconnected and interdependent as ours, the ability to understand foreign cultures and adequately communicate with the people of other nations is the foundation to building mutual understanding. It is that understanding that is essential, and therefor critical, to a country’s prosperity and security. In my experience with Chinese language classes, the interplay of language and cultural history tends to be more meaningful at the beginning and intermediate levels, both in textbooks and in teaching.
  However, at the advanced levels, the feedback from teachers and students often echoes each other in characterizing textbook materials as outdated and difficult to relate to in contemporary society, or as too narrow in focus, often specializing in select tracks such as business, classical Chinese, or literature. This then begs the question: how do we expect students to be global citizens with the language and cultural knowledge to discuss current affairs and build relationships if we’re not providing them the right tools?
  In this textbook, Prof. Lin and the NTU team have solved that issue by covering a broad variety of contemporary topics as they relate to Taiwanese society. They expand each topic by then exploring related cases and opinions from different international geographic locations. For example, the authors discuss weddings and the predominant Taiwanese opinions on marriage, but then further expound on the subject by including both traditional and contemporary approaches to marriage in Polish society. On the other end of the spectrum, they examine smart technology and its current role in Taiwanese society, but then include a pointed look at the application of AI technology in Japanese residential security. It also resonated with me that the bulk of the material is thoughtfully integrated with an impressive range of supplemental materials to engage students through various digital mediums.
  From my experience, foreign language students want – and should be expected – to engage, both thoughtfully and artfully, in reasonable discussions about the current state of global culture, politics, commerce and more, even in a foreign language. Yet, to do so, their study of that language must include an expansive and diverse framework of topics around which learning is built. As it concerns the study of Chinese, especially as it relates to Taiwan, this textbook does just that, and should be at the forefront of current immersive Chinese language learning.

Program Manager
American Councils for International Education
Stephanie Sheppard



1. 反映在全球快速跨域流動的潮流中學習華語的新樣貌
2. 優化由臺灣視角連結真實世界的華語應用能力
本書從當下的臺灣時貌出發,連結瑞士的冰河列車觀光產業、日本的AI居住安全科技、歐洲的疫情生活、波蘭的醫療模式、義大利和荷蘭的涼峩間改造、英國的中學課堂、日本和波蘭的傳統與現代的婚禮、日本的農業轉型、聯合國的青年IT 新創計畫、東西方年輕人的政治觀等,希望透過這些廣角的跨國連結,促進學習者分析與討論的興趣,優化學習者在華語表達的質與量上的應用能力。
3. 兼顧面對面溝通與網路載體應用的華語交流形式
本書的編寫設計呈現多元體裁,包括對話、短文、雜誌撰文、現場演講,電子郵件email、部落格寫作blog、臉書貼文facebook、網路平台直播live stream、播客頻道podcast、影音視頻vlog,視訊會議conference call等,希望幫助學習者透過這些實用的語言呈現載體形式來演練華語交流。

本書的華語能力水平適合高級初階到高級高階,根據國家教育研究院臺灣華語文能力基準Taiwan Benchmarks for the Chinese Language TBCL 三等七級詞表編寫,以第五級與第六級為主,同時亦配合國家華語測驗工作委員會華語文能力測驗Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language TOCFL 華語八千詞標準,主要收列高階級(B2),兼收部分進階級(B1)與流利級(C1)。

1. 腦力激盪的暖身活動
2. 課文一為對話形式
3. 課文二為篇章形式
4. 課文提問,協助對於文本的閱讀理解或聽力理解
5. 詞彙,提供繁簡體字對照,拼音,英譯,例句
6. 語言點,提供拼音,英譯,例句1和例句2,練習1和練習2
7. 專有名詞,提供拼音,英譯,中文說明
8. 話題討論,提供延伸,擴展和優化
9. 課後練習採用多元形式,選擇,段落重組,上下文配對,克漏字,閱讀理解,完成對話,看圖編故事,情境語言任務,寫作,辯論設計等
10. 索引,包括詞彙索引,語言點索引,專有名詞索引


第一單元 族群文化、風俗節慶、人文景觀 1
Unit 1 Ethnic Cultures, Customs & Festivals, Human Landscape
第一課 多元族群的福爾摩沙 2
Lesson 1 A Multi-Ethnic Formosa
對話 誰是臺灣人? 3
Who Is Taiwanese?
短文 柯里斯看臺灣 14
View of Taiwan from Chris

第二課 精彩熱鬧的節慶 28
Lesson 2 Vibrant & Lively Festivals
對話 千萬別錯過的體驗! 29
Don’t Miss Out on These Experiences!
短文 本土化與國際化 44
Localization & Internationalization

第三課 讀萬卷書不如行萬里路 60
Lesson 3 Better to Travel Far and Wide than Read Long and Plenty
對話 環島遊臺灣 61
Travel Around Taiwan
短文 遊江南,體驗新舊融合 76
Jiangnan Trip: A Fusion of the Old and the New

第二單元 社會現象、後疫時代、娛樂休痢95
Unit 2 Societal Situation, Post-Pandemic Era, Entertainment and Leisure
第四課 婚禮與婚姻觀 96
Lesson 4 Marriage & Weddings
對話 婚禮上做什麼事? 97
Wedding Etiquette
短文 「不婚」好不好? 111
Is It Okay to "Not Get Married"?

第五課 後疫情時代,我們的「新」生活 127
Lesson 5 A New Life in the Post-Pandemic Era
對話 從疫情中走出來 128
Recovery from the Pandemic
短文 受疫情衝擊的各行各業 141
How Did the Pandemic Impact Different Industries?

第六課 娛樂與休痢157
Lesson 6 Recreational & Leisure Activities
對話 網路直播與影音頻道 158
Live Streaming & Video/Audio Channels
短文 都會居民的休粒萋亜172
Urban Leisure Activities

第三單元 政經局勢、產業創新、未來科技 189
Unit 3 Political and Economic Situation, Industry Innovation, Future Technology
第七課 聽見人民的聲音 190
Lesson 7 Listen to the People
對話 年輕世代看政治 191
Next Generation Politics
短文 網民力量大 205
Power of the Internet

第八課 經濟產業的發展與轉型 221
Lesson 8 Development & Transformation of Industries
對話 企業家的經驗談 222
Experiences from Entrepreneurs
短文 站在臺灣看世界 235
The World from a Taiwanese Perspective

第九課 未來的潮流:智慧科技 252
Lesson 9 Future Trend: Smart Technology
對話 未來的世界 253
World of the Future
短文 歡迎來到智慧城市 266
Welcome to the Smart City

第四單元 教育學習、社會福利、城市永續 285
Unit 4 Education & Study, Social Welfare, Urban Sustainability
第十課 學校怎麼教? 286
Lesson 10 How Do Schools Educate Students?
對話 當一個終身學習者 287
Being a Lifelong Learner
短文 聽播客,談教育 301
Podcast Episode, Discussion on Education

第十一課 醫療服務與社會資源 318
Lesson 11 Medical Services & Social Resources
對話 看醫生,難嗎?直播聊醫療 319
Hard to Visit a Doctor? Live Discussion
短文 青年追夢 333
Chasing Your Youth Dreams

第十二課 永續發展與社區轉型 350
Lesson 12 Sustainable Development & Community Transformation
對話 走!我們去科技農場 351
Let’s Go to the Tech Farm
短文 活化城市,創意改造 366
Revitalizing Cities: Creative Transformations

一、生詞(按拼音) 383
二、生詞(按音譯) 397
三、語法點 414
四、專有名詞 418

